
Hello Kitty Laptop & iPod

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sanriogood_hello kitty
It was only a matter of time till the next Hello Kitty post, and now the wait is finally over. Hooray (enter a small amount of sarcasm here)!
Say hello to the new Hello Kitty Laptop & iPod straight out of Japan. With only 100 pieces to hit store, these kitties are going to be flying off the shelves faster than you can meow.
The Hello Kitty Laptop is an Epson NA101, white edition with a 12.1″ screen and a whole lot of power by a Celeron M 423. Bundled along with this kitty of a laptop, comes the 4 GB pink iPod Nano with a Hello Kitty design etched on the back. Do I hear holiday gift idea? Well then, you better scurry along & try to find you one out of 100!

more sanriogood click hello kitty

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